Reading City Football Club is proud to announce that Vanessa Herbert, a cherished member of our City family is going to embark on a charity trek to the highest peak in North Africa to end homelessness.

Home stadium. Home colours. Home game. As a football club we know the importance of home. But each night across the country thousands of people will be sleeping on the streets, with many more likely to be in hostels, on friends’ sofas or even sleeping in cars.

This is something we can’t ignore and as a club we’ve proudly been working with Launchpad – Reading’s leading homelessness prevention charity, providing vital information and support for individuals, couples and families who don’t have a stable place to live, or are at risk of losing their home.

It is always humbling to see members of our city family adopting our club values as their own and are therefore proud to raise awareness of Vanessa’s charity trek.

Vanessa will embark on a 3 day trek up to the peak of the Atlas Mountains, Toubkal in Morocco, the highest point in North Africa at 4167 metres. That’s the equivalent of 3 times up and down Ben Nevis, or 4 times up and down Snowdon!

Whilst as a club we support Launchpad. Vanessa’s trek will be in aid of Crisis, the UK national charity for people experiencing homelessness. The charity offers year-round education, employment, housing and well-being services from Crisis Skylight centres in East London, Newcastle, Oxford, Edinburgh, South Wales, Croydon, Brent and Merseyside.

Please donate what you can to Vanessa’s fundraising page here and help her reach her fundraising target of £4,000

Everyone at Reading City Football Club wishes Vanessa the best of luck in her trek!